Research — Project Overview

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SIMTO — Framework for a flexible Simulation Toolset for Future IP Networks


The SIMTO project is targeted towards the development of a flexible simulation tool set for the rapidly evolving area of new networks based on the Internet protocol suite including:

  • Internet Based Car Networking,
  • Home Networks and Small IP Devices, and
  • Next Generation Satellite Networks.

As a first step, SIMTO will focus on providing simulation environments for a LEO Satellite Network suitable to support Interactive Multimedia Services. Simulation models will be based on commercial off-the-shelf products as well as on non-commercial simulation systems.

A detailed description of the SIMTO project is also available.


A public workshop presenting results from cooperational projects between Fraunhofer Gesellschaft (formerly GMD) and CNR was held in March 2000. At the workshop in Pisa, 2001, the first results wrt. SIMTO were published.

Bibliography entries and online versions of the 2001 presentation are provided here.

Publications A set of internal technical reports and deliverables was compiled into a single project documentation during the SIMTO project.
Developments Within the SIMTO project, a number of simulation models wrt. the analysis of tranport protocols over satellite connections were developed. They are based on the RESQ-Simuallation language and are not available to the public.
Partners National Research Concil of Italy (CNR) CNUCE-Institute


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