Research — Project Overview

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Publications related to the SIMTO Project

Conference and Journal Papers  Workshop Proceedings  Technical Reports

Conference and Journal Papers
Related conference and journal papers were not published.

Conference and Journal Papers  Workshop Proceedings  Technical Reports

Workshop Proceedings

Thomas Luckenbach and Marc Emmelmann. SIMTO — A Flexible Toolset for Future IP Networks. GMD / CNR Workshop, Pisa, Italy, 2001. (online)

E. Bierduempel, S. Jaehnichen, P. Maestrini, and L. Simoncini ed.. Proceedings of the CNR-GMD Workshop Berlin, March 9-10, 2000. National Research Council (CNR) of Italy and GMD National Research Center for Information Technology, March 2000.

Conference and Journal Papers  Workshop Proceedings  Technical Reports

Technical Reports

Cristina Foderi. SIMTO TCP/IP over Satellite Channel Final Report. In SIMTO Project Reports, edited by Marc Emmelmann, Fraunhofer FOKUS, Berlin, Germany, August 2001. Photocopied.

Cristina Foderi. SIMTO TCP/IP over Satellite Channel Report. In SIMTO Project Reports, edited by Marc Emmelmann, Fraunhofer FOKUS, Berlin, Germany, 2001. Photocopied.

Marc Emmelmann. BSD Configuration — Configuration of BSD for its usage within the ATM-Sat Project. Internal working document, Fraunhofer FOKUS.cats, Berlin, Germany, January 2001. Photocopied.

Cristina Foderi. SIMTO Simulation Report. In SIMTO Project Reports, edited by Marc Emmelmann, Fraunhofer FOKUS, Berlin, Germany, 2000. Photocopied.

Cristina Foderi. SIMTO Status Report. In SIMTO Project Reports, edited by Marc Emmelmann, Fraunhofer FOKUS, Berlin, Germany, 2000. Photocopied.

Marc Emmelmann. ATM-Sat Demonstrator Configuration — General, demonstrator dependent configuration options for software components. Internal working document, Fraunhofer FOKUS.cats, Berlin, Germany,November 2000. Photocopied.

Marc Emmelmann. Simulation Parameters & Channel Characteristics — Channel Characteristics and Design Parameters for Simulation within the ATM-Sat Project. Internal working document, Fraunhofer FOKUS.cats, Berlin, Germany, July 2000. Photocopied.

Marc Emmelmann. Analysis of Transport Protocols over LEO Satellite Channels — Definition of Work Packages and Milestones. Internal working document, Fraunhofer FOKUS.cats, Berlin, Germany, July 2000. Photocopied.

Marc Emmelmann. TCP/IP Over Satellite — Intoductory paper to current enhancements and aspects of TCP/IP over satellite channels. Internal working document, Fraunhofer FOKUS.cats, Berlin, Germany, July 2000. Photocopied.

Conference and Journal Papers  Workshop Proceedings  Technical Reports

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