Research — Project Overview

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Workshops held within the SIMTO Framework

As the SIMTO project was part of a group of projects established within a cooperation fund between Fraunhofer Gesellschaft (formerly GMD) and CNR, its results were presented at the CNR-GMD Workshop.

CNR-GMD Workshop 2000, Berlin, Germany

E. Bierduempel, S. Jaehnichen, P. Maestrini, and L. Simoncini ed.. Proceedings of the CNR-GMD Workshop Berlin, March 9-10, 2000. National Research Council (CNR) of Italy and GMD National Research Center for Information Technology, March 2000.

CNR-GMD Workshop 2001 , Pisa, Italy

Thomas Luckenbach and Marc Emmelmann. SIMTO — A Flexible Toolset for Future IP Networks. GMD / CNR Workshop, Pisa, Italy, 2001. (online)

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