Bit Error Rate
BER at target system above MAC
Up- & Down-Link
- Good weather condition: 2*10E-8
- Rain
- causes link to collaps
- last for approx. 10 minutes
- “on-off” modell
above FEC on MAC level
assume worst case: const. max. BER (target system budget)
Good wheather
packet error rate (=ATM cell): 2*10e-8
rain > 2.5 m/h causes link to fail
if rain, probability extremely hight that it exceeds 2.5 mm/h
currently not considdered
exact parameters to be discussed when ISLs included into simulation
Limitations / in reality:
BER changes continiously with, e.g., slant range
not an a abrupt on-off-model but rather smooth transition
FEC will not switch to „double-slot“ usage for better error correction